Since October 2024, rest stops must be equipped with charging stations for electric vehicles

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From October 5, 2024 onwards, rest stops of types 1 and 2 will need to have charging stations and designated parking spots for electric vehicles. This information has just been announced in Circular No. 09/2024 of the Ministry of Transport.

This regulation applies to newly constructed rest stops along expressways, national highways, and provincial roads. In addition to requiring the installation of charging stations, rest stops of types 1 and 2 must also allocate at least 10% of the total parking spaces for electric vehicle charging. Investment in necessary infrastructure such as charging stations and charging equipment will depend on various investment phases and demand.

Under the current regulations, type 1 rest stops have an area of 10,000 m2 or more, with parking areas of at least 5,000 m2. Type 2 rest stops require a minimum operating area of 5,000 m2, with parking lots of at least 2,500 m2. Type 1 and type 2 rest stops are typically located along major expressways or national highways.

For type 3 and type 4 rest stops, with minimum areas of 3,000 m2 and 1,000 m2 respectively, dedicating 10% of the total parking area for installing electric vehicle charging stations is encouraged to promote the use of electric vehicles.

For rest stops that were operational before the effective date of the Circular (October 5), owners must complete repairs and upgrades to construction items, including charging stations and electric vehicle parking areas, according to standards before January 1, 2027.

Despite the requirement for installing charging stations, relevant authorities have yet to specify the standards for charging sources, including charging speed (fast or slow) and type of power source (DC or AC).

According to statistics, VinFast is currently the only company in Vietnam with a network of charging stations covering 80 out of 85 cities nationwide, with 150,000 charging ports. Some other car manufacturers such as Porsche, Audi, or Mercedes-Benz also have public charging stations, but the quantity is still limited.

Original article and picture by AutoPro