Should you charge your VinFast electric car in heavy rain?

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Although VinFast's electric charging stations are designed to be safe, users should consider using them during heavy rain or thunderstorms.

According to VinFast's recommendation, users should pay attention and carefully consider before using the charging station in heavy rain, thunderstorms, or floods to ensure safety. When charging the battery at a public charging station, if the charging head falls to the ground, customers should remain calm and inspect the external condition of the charging head.

Should you charge your VinFast electric car in heavy rain?

Although all VinFast electric charging columns and systems are designed to cope with various weather conditions, including lightning protection and preventing fire and explosion incidents.

However, users should pay attention and carefully consider before using the charging station in heavy rain, thunderstorms, or floods to ensure safety.

When the charging post or the car emits a burnt smell, should you consider charging the car?

When encountering a situation where the charging post or the car emits a burnt smell, if there are incidents beyond control, users need to follow these steps:

- Press the emergency stop button to stop the charging process. The emergency stop button locations at the charging stations are as follows:

   AC 11kW station: the emergency stop button is located on the right side of the charging station.

   DC 30kW station: the emergency stop button is located below the charging gun compartment.

   DC 60kW station: the emergency stop button is located between the two charging gun compartments.

   Superfast charging station: the emergency stop button is located on the side of the charging station.

- Contact rescue personnel if necessary.

How to handle when the charging head falls to the ground?

When charging the battery at a public charging station and encountering a situation where the charging head falls to the ground, users should remain calm and inspect the external condition of the charging head.

If any abnormal signs such as cracks, fractures, deformities, or signs of water, rust, or dirt accumulation are detected, the vehicle owner should not continue to use or plug in the charging at another charging station to ensure safety.

Original article and picture by AutoPro